🇨🇦国際ボランティア研修🇨🇦 学生レポート③ September 9th Morning at St. Marguerite Bourgeoys Catholic School, Kingston

In Kingston, one of the places that we visited there was St. Marguerite Bourgeoys Catholic School. During the visit, we did an activity with the students from two classes. First, we met the kindergarteners and it was their first day of school! Then, the other class was grade four students. We sang a song for them. We also did a little dance for them and asked them to dance along with us. After that, we did Japanese games. Afterwards, we taught them how to make origami and the Japanese way of folding a paper plane. We also made paper drawings with the students. Later on, the principal gave us a tour around the school. The principal explained what the students do. We also attended a few classes for approximately 3 to 5 minutes to see how the classes were being taught and how the students learn. I was astonished at how the students showed interest in their class. When a teacher asked them whether they had questions or any clarifications, more than two students would raise their hands. Also, when the teacher asked them a question, they showed enthusiasm towards the subject and answered the questions with confidence. I love how enthusiastic the students were!

My stay in Canada for two weeks let me experience a lot of valuable things. I helped other people by doing volunteer work. I did a lot of activities there together with my fellow schoolmates. I saw the beauty of Canada. I was able to learn more about the founder of my current college. I was able to communicate with people there by using my English skills. The people were kind and friendly. The food was great, too! I saw how diverse the country was and how beautiful it was. I learned about the cultural differences between Japan and Canada. I also learned some similarities of both countries. It is such a great opportunity to be able to experience a culture that I only read or learned in school and seen on TV before. My heart yearns for more places to experience firsthand in the future. I am so grateful for the wonderful experience!

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